Tag Archives: Summerfields

News Update : 29-JUN-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

Only 2 volunteers were able to meet at Summerfields on Wednesday 05-JUN-24.  We covered the surrounding area and collected 3 bags.

6 volunteers met at Bank Square on Saturday 08-JUL-24.  We covered the town centre and collected at least 6 bags

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Reported some fly tipping to ANSA

d) Continued support for a local student, Joe, who is doing a fantastic job as part of the volunteering section of his Duke of Edinburgh award. This month he has covered Sainsbury’s / Hooper’s car park and Broadway car park.

e) Scheduled a committee meeting where, amongst other things, we will be looking at the litter posters created recently by the high school pupils.

f)  Survived a migration exercise enforced up on us by our web hosting company.  The website seemed to survive OK but they broke our emailing capability. This was finally repaired a week or so later – and so hopefully everything is now up and running normally again – albeit at a much higher cost

News Update : 29-MAR-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

A nice morning saw 12 volunteers meet up on Wednesday 6th March at The Farmer’s Arms.  We were pleased to welcome 2 new volunteers. We collected at least 10 bags.

4 volunteers met at Summerfields on Saturday 9th March. We collected 6 bags of rubbish and 2 bags of recyclables.  It was noted that Colshaw Drive seemed surprisingly clean compared to previous events. We reported some fly tipped rubbish and some CEC highways equipment.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Received a further update from the chairman of Colshaw Estate Tenants and Residents Association (CETRA) to say that they are postponing their big clean up exercise of the valley area on Colshaw Farm estate.  This was originally going to be on Saturday 13th April and Sunday 14th April but will now be later in the year.

d) Provided guidance and equipment to a pupil who is litter picking for the volunteering section of their Duke of Edinburgh award.

e) Renewed our website hosting and domain registration.

f) Liaised with the fire station regarding the impact on our equipment bunker during works.

g) Heard from ANSA regarding the date for the clean-up of the A34 bypass.  This is now scheduled for the week commencing April 15th.

h) Started to discuss the possibility of taking up a free stall at the Wilmslow Show.

i) Responded to Alderley Edge In Bloom. They are doing a big clean of Melrose Way on Sunday 21st April at 11:00.   They would welcome some help from Wilmslow Clean Team.  If you can help, then they are meeting at Chelford Road bridge.

j) Thanks to Elaine who has contacted Deputy head teacher Mr Mark Vincent at Wilmslow High School regarding a poster campaign to help our group and promote less littering   He has passed the request onto the art department apparently and hopefully something will be forthcoming soon.

i) Heard from the company that hosts our website that they will be performing a migration exercise on Thursday 11th April.  Fingers crossed that the website continues to function normally but there will be a small outage on that day.

j) Planned our Spring Clean events

News Update : 30-DEC-23

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

Unfortunately, the weather was against us on Wednesday 6th December as it was very cold and frosty.  Only our chairman Chris braved the conditions and turned up at Bank Square.  He picked the Bollin Link and collected 1 bag and a hub cap.

Despite heavy rain, 3 volunteers met at Summerfields on Saturday 9th December. We collected 6 very full bags in the surrounding area.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Booked the venue for our 10th anniversary celebration

d) Started to plan a committee meeting to discuss some anti-littering signage.

e) Held further discussions with one of our sponsors : A-Plan Insurance (now a $9 billion US company called Howden). The upshot is that they have agreed to donate £200 to buy a new trolley.

News Update : 30-SEP-23

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

5 volunteers met at Summerfields on Wednesday 6th September.
At least 5 bags were collected. We also reported some fly tipping to ANSA

5 volunteers met at The Farmers Arms on Saturday 9th September and dispersed to litter pick the surrounding area.
At least 5 bags were collected along with a shredded tyre.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks

c) Held an AGM at the Quaker’s Meeting House.  We were pleasantly surprised that 14 people attended – which led to some interesting discussion.  We had a report from the chairman (Chris), a summary of our finances from the treasurer (Stuart), a demonstration of one of our new trolleys and various other discussions (e.g. whether we can become more active in schools, whether we can pick during 10k road closures etc.)

d) Responded to a request from the Round Table to litter pick during the annual fireworks event.  We are against picking amongst the crowds in the dark but have offered to assist the next morning – although the scouts and guides are already lined up.

e) Made an initial response to a request to assist some “Junior Park Run” volunteers to procure some equipment.

f) Responded to a request to support another high school student who wants to litter pick as part of their Duke of Edinburgh scheme.

News Update : 01-JUL-23

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

We met at Summerfields on Wednesday 7th June.
We collected at least 10 bags from the surrounding area.

8 volunteers met at Bank Square on Saturday 10th June.
We were very happy to welcome 2 new volunteers.
We collected at least 9 bags from the surrounding area.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Held a committee meeting :
1 – Finances are healthy – boosted by a £200 donation from “The Round Table” and a £500 donation from “Wilmslow Way Better Business Improvement District Bid”
2 – Agreed to move our bank account due to the closure of the Barclays branch.
3 – Pencilled in a date for an AGM
4 – Agreed to purchase more equipment, including more trolleys – some of which has already been ordered.

d) Started an exercise to remove non-active members from our distribution list.

e) Demonstrated a litter picking trolley to one of our members

f) Responded to an enquiry about litter/fly tipping on the A34.

g) Reported some fly tipping of builder’s rubble in Bank Square

News Update : 01-APR-23

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

6 volunteers met at The Farmers Arms on Wednesday 1st March.  We covered the surrounding area including South Oak Lane,

Oak Lane, Gravel Lane, Moor Lane, The Temp, Lindow Common, Chapel Lane and the streets around Kenmore Medical Centre.

We also covered the front area of the parade of shops from Sainsbury’s to Hoopers.

We collected at least 7 bags and some recyclables.

10 volunteers met in Summerfields car park on Saturday 4th March.  2 other volunteers solo litter picked Sainsbury’s car park.

We collected at least 20 bags and some recyclables. We focussed on the surrounding area including Colshaw Drive.

Thanks to Elliot who once again came along with his father – he has been doing a great job as part of his Duke Of Edinburgh award.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Reported various bits of fly tipping to ANSA including a  lot which we spotted from the pedestrian bridge over the A34 during the Summerfields pick.

d) Responded to a request from “Wilmslow Prep School” whose children are keen to get involved with some litter picking after being shocked by the amount of litter they saw on a trip to The Carrs.

e) Responded to a request from “5th Wilmslow Brownies” who want to clean the play area at The Carrs in May

f) Asked ANSA when they were next planning to litter pick the verges on the A34 – and received this response:
All being well we have TM planned for the 25th and 26th April to do the lane ones of the A34 dual carriageway  and then the 23rd and 24th May to do the central reservations.

g) Updated the bag count on the website.  The year to date total is now 129.

News Update : 27-JUN-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

10 volunteers met on Summerfields on Wednesday 1st June. We collected 14 bags. The usual areas were covered from our base at Summerfields, with Colshaw Drive, and the roads off it, providing the greatest amount to be picked.

6 participants met at Banks Square on Saturday 4th June. We focussed on the town centre including the station, the Leisure Centre, Church St, Cliff Road, Grove Ave., Water Lane, Sainsburys/library and the Bollin Link.  We collected 7 bags.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Reported a fly tipping incident to ANSA : a large fridge-freezer abandoned near the A34 footbridge.

d) Continued attempts to contact the relevant body in order to get a sunken shopping trolley removed from the river Bollin.

e) Reported a burnt out bin (at the corner of Leaside Way and the Prestbury Link Rd) to ANSAWilmslow Clean Team Burnt Out Litter Bin





f) Discussion with the “Wilmslow In Bloom” team about the annual judging on Monday 4th July.

g) Updated the bag count on the website : 265 bags so far this year.

h) Between January and May 2022, we have been supporting two female WHS students complete their community volunteering section of the DofE Bronze Award Scheme.  The girls each carried out 13 one hour litter picking sessions around the Sainsbury’s Car Park and the public for path that runs along the railway tracks behind the high school.  In total they collected 26 bags of litter. These locations were chosen to demonstrate to the girls how litter is repeatedly being dropped in the same locations, and that most of it is being dropped by their peers. They said that his has ‘opened their eyes’ and shocked them. It has given them an increased awareness that they intend to use to try and change the attitudes of their peers wherever they can. A Fantastic effort – and hopefully there will be other similar initiatives in the future.

Hope to see you at the July picks.

News Update : 03-APR-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

6 volunteers met at The Farmer’s Arms on Wednesday 2nd March.  We covered Chapel Lane and the surrounding area including the side roads near Kenmore Medical Centre. We also covered the areas around Bollin Link, Buckingham Road and Lindow Common. We were pleased to welcome a new volunteer (Dorothy). We collected 8 bags altogether.

Wilmslow Clean Team - Summerfieds 05-MAR-226 volunteers met at Summerfields  on Saturday 5th March. We covered the surrounding area including Colshaw Drive and Kingsbury Drive.  This area is a litter hot spot and we collected a big haul of 13 bags.



b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Held a committee meeting. Highlights include :

i) Reviewed our accounts.
ii) Discussed the annual “Spring Clean” this year – and voted against organising one this year. Hopefully we will be back on track in 2023.
iii)  Agreed to apply for a grant to help fund some trolleys – to help make litter picking accessible to more people.

Wilmslow Clean Team Window Stickeriv) Reviewed our “co-sponsor” initiative which is going very well – you may have seen our window stickers appearing in the town.



v) Agreed to set up a working party to review the best options for our annual insurance.
vi) Reviewed membership activity.  38 out of our 78 members have been actively involved in litter picking over the past 6 months.  We have had 9 new members.  Well done to everyone – but especially our chairman, Chris Evans, who leads the field with 12 picks.
vii) Discussed our annual involvement in helping clean up after the Wilmslow Show.  We will probably man a stand at this year’s event too – on 3rd July

d)  Corresponded with a group of Wilmslow High School pupils who are competing in a national competition called “Young Enterprise”.  Their aim is connect the community through cooking and baking – and they are doing a 10 minute litter pick for every recipe they receive.

Hope to see you at the April picks.

News Update : 29-DEC-21

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

7 volunteers met at Bank Square on Wednesday 1st December.  We covered the surrounding area including Bank Square, Green Lane, Church Street including the children’s playground on the Carrs, Bollin Link, Hawthorn Lane, Hawthorn Avenue and Parkway.  We collected at least 8 bags

5 volunteers met in Summerfields car park on a miserable morning on Saturday 4th December.  We covered the surrounding area including Colshsaw Drive and collected 11 bags and some recyclables (which were taken home and put in the grey bins)

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Reported several incidents of fly tipping to ANSA.  One of them, on Colshaw Drive, was not on council owned land and so ANSA informed the housing association.

d) Held a meeting to review the roles on the committee

e) After some further committee discussion about levels of insurance cover, we cancelled the recently purchased policy with Zurich and renewed with our original provider.

f) Started discussions about how we can support some year 9 pupils at the high school who want to do litter picking for the volunteering section of their Duke of Edinburgh award.

Wishing you all the best for 2022 and hope to see you at the January picks.

News Update : 26-SEP-21

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

9 volunteers met in Summerfields Car Park on Wednesday 1st September and picked in the  vicinity of Dean Row Rd. We collected 9 bags altogether plus a wooden board.

Wilmslow Clean Team Chapel Lane September 2021At  least 14 volunteers met at The Farmer’s Arms on Saturday 4th September.  We covered the surrounding area as well as venturing further afield and picking at the back of the row of shops from Sainsburys to Hoopers, Sainsbury’s car park, the area around Gorsey Bank school, Mobberley Road, Adlington Road, Hawthorn Street, Little Lindow etc. We estimate that 16 bags were collected altogether.  We would like to thank Chelsea Flowers for providing hot drinks to our volunteers after the pick.

We were delighted to see some new faces.  Well done everyone.

b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Informed ANSA of fly tipping incidents – e.g. a mattress on the A34
d) Continued to liaise a local business about a potential big sponsorship deal
e) Responded to a contact made by the manager of Hickory’s who is interested in offering support to the Clean Team.
f) Started a project to encourage local businesses to sponsor us by donating £50 to our funds.  In return they will receive a window sticker and a mention on our website.  Thanks to our business co-ordinator Peter for his efforts on this.
g) Designed 2 separate prototypes for a trolley which could support 2 bags.  This would not only assist those members who struggle with the weight of the litter but would also allow us to more easily recycle cans, plastic bottles and glass bottles.  Recycling is something we ought to be encouraging more of.  Some of us take a smaller carrier sized bag with us – and collect cans and plastic bottles (which are very light) which we can take home and put in our grey bins.  The huge energy required to extract aluminium is really bad for the environment – so it will be great if we can help make sure that this kind of waste is not “single use”.
h) Started to consider how we might re-work a banner which could be used to advertise our activities
i) Battled with bureaucracy to try and change the committee members who can sign off cheques – due to recent changes to the committee.

Hope to see you at our October picks – new volunteers welcome.