Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
6 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Wednesday 01-NOV-23. We covered Altrincham Road and the area near the airport tunnels. We collected at least 9 bags. We were pleased to welcome 3 ladies from “Carefound Home Care” to this pick.
8 volunteers met at The Parish Hall on Saturday 04-NOV-23. We covered the Carrs, the surrounding area and the town centre. We collected 9 bags.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Completed the move of our bank account from Barclays
d) Started to plan a get together for our 10th anniversary. We are currently considering meeting up in The Kings Arms one evening in January – probably a Monday or a Tuesday. More details will be sent out once the plans are confirmed.
e) Started to investigate a possible poster campaign (following up on a recent suggestion by Elaine)
f) Renewed our annual insurance.