Tag Archives: The Wilmslow Show

News Update : 04-AUG-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

6 volunteers met at Lindow Common on Wednesday 03-JUL-24.  We covered the surrounding area including Altrincham Road as far as the Jim Everson playing fields.

5 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Saturday 06-JUL-24.  We covered the surrounding area including Alderley Road down to the bypass and parts of Knutsford Road.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Continued support for a local student, Joe, who is doing his Duke of Edinburgh award. He has now completed the required number of volunteer hours but intends to continue picking. He has done amazing work over the past few months – so huge thanks.

d) Held a committee meeting where, amongst other things, we judged some posters created recently by the high school pupils and agreed to give Amazon vouchers to the best entries.

e) Responded to a contact from Praetura Asset Finance who are planning litter picks, in September, in all the towns where they have an office – which includes Wilmslow.

f) Manned a stall at The Wilmslow Show

Wilmslow Show Stall - 2024


News Update : 31-JUL-23

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

7 volunteers met at Lindow Common on Wednesday 5th July. We collected 6 bags were collected, plus a few larger debris items. We were pleased to welcome a new volunteer.

5 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Saturday 8th July. We covered Knutsford Road (and some of its side roads), the area around Kenmore Medical Centre, Sainsbury’s car park and Alderley Rd from Kings Arms to the main traffic lights, and Water Lane.  4 very full bags were collected.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Litter picked the Carnival Field after the Wilmslow Show. A good turn out but not a huge amount of litter. We will receive a donation to our funds for helping out though.

c) Continued with our solo picks

d) Responded to a request to do some extra litter picking on the “Wilmslow In Bloom” judging route.

e) Liaised with Richard who is hopefully joining the committee soon.

f) Completed an exercise to tidy up our email distribution list. A few new members have been added and some inactive members have been removed.  Please let us know if you don’t think you should be getting this email.

g) Started to organise our AGM. This will be in September – more details soon – all welcome.

News Update : 25-JUL-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

8 volunteers met at Lindow Common on Wednesday 6th July. We covered Lindow Common, Hickory’s car park, Altrincham Road, King’s Road and Racecourse Road. One volunteer (Ann) went to the Honey Bee and picked down to the Britannia Hotel. We collected at least 6 bags of rubbish and some pieces of carpet.  It was great to welcome a new volunteer (Matt). We also facilitated support for a student from the high school.

8 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Saturday 9th July. We covered the surrounding area including Alderley Road, the area near the high school and Sainsbury’s car park. We collected at least 9 bags.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Performed our annual tidy up of The Carnival Fields after the Wilmslow Show on Monday 4th. We collected 8 bags and were given a donation of £130 towards our funds. It was lovely to welcome our old friend and ex-committee member Colin. There is a photo of us arriving in this online article :

c) Continued with our solo picks – special thanks to those members who went out on Sunday 3rd July to clean up the “In Bloom” judging route prior to the judges arrival on Monday 4th.

d) Signed up 2 more co-sponsors : A-Plan insurance and Mailboxes etc.  Sponsors donate a minimum of £50 towards our funds.

e) Responded to Hickory’s Smokehouse about their ongoing support.

Hope to see you at the August picks.

Litter Picking Summary 7th + 10th August 2019

We have been very busy this month with 5 organised litter picks, since the last update, rather than the usual 2 – along with some fantastic solo efforts!

9 volunteers met at The Carnival Fields on Monday 8th July to help with the clean up operation after The Wilmslow Show. We collected a bag each.

There were 2 “In Bloom” judging events this year. We did an extra litter pick on Monday 22nd July so that the town was looking at its best for the regional round of judging. 10 volunteers turned up for an evening pick. We collected 12 bags of litter altogether in and around the town centre. 6 additional bags were collected on solo picks.

11 volunteers met at The Honey Bee at 10:00 on Wednesday 7th August. Again – we were delighted to welcome 2 new volunteers. We focused on Altrincham Road down to the airport tunnels – traditionally one of the worst areas for litter in Wilmslow. We collected 15 bags plus several hub caps.  We also reported some fly tipping, near the airport fire station, to ANSA.  The 2nd of our “In Bloom” events was on the same evening – this time in preparation for the National judging (Wilmslow is representing the North West this year). About 8 volunteers met up in the evening collecting a bag each.

Wilmslow Clean Team Stanneylands Road 10-AUG-19Last but not least, despite blustery weather, 8 volunteers met at The Parish Hall, on Saturday 10th August. The park was reasonably litter free due to recent activity for the Bloom judging. We spread out covering the Carr’s (to Twinnies Bridge), Stanneylands Road, Prestbury Road, The Memorial Gardens and the footpaths near Trust Ford. We collected at least 9 bags along with hub caps and some recyclables. We also informed ANSA about a large gas canister that has been washed up near Twinnies Bridge.

So – a massive monthly litter haul of 60 bags.  Well done everyone. Fingers crossed for the “In Bloom” judging later in the year.

We also reported some dangerous overhanging vegetation (on Altrincham Road) to Cheshire East Council




Litter Picking Summary 5th->17th June 2017

Only time for a brief summary this month …

7 volunteers met at The Leisure Centre On Wednesday 5th July. We collected 12 bags altogether in and around The Leisure Centre, the station forecourt, Hooper’s car park, the area around the library and Chapel Lane.

3 volunteers turned out on Saturday 8th July. We met in Lacey Green and collected 7 bags altogether.

On 10th July some of our volunteers collected 7 bags in the Carnival Field.  This was an organised clean up after The Wilmslow Show.

On Monday 17th July we had an extra litter pick to help prepare the town for the annual “Britain In Bloom” judging. 6 volunteers turned up and 11 bags were collected. We covered Sainsbury`s car park and the surrounding bushes, the Leisure Centre pond area and the walk between the two, Grove street, Bank square, some of Alderley road, Chapel lane, Albert road. Over the previous weekend some of our volunteers did solo picks  on Lindow Common and around Fulshaw.

So – at least 37 bags collected in July.  Well done everyone.