Tag Archives: spring clean 2014

Litter Picking Event Summary – 5th April 2014

7 volunteers turned up today despite the miserable weather.

Some volunteers focussed on the area between the Honey Bee and the airport tunnels.  It was noticable how much car related rubbish there was (hub caps, de-icer, scrapers, wipers, hoses, air filters etc).  11 bags were collected in this area.

Other volunteers focussed on the area between the Boddington Arms and the town centre (e.g. Altrincham Road, Gorsey Road, Hawthorn Street etc) .  4 bags were collected at Carnival Fields.

So – another good event with 23 bags of rubbish collected altogether.

Well done everyone.

Litter Picking Event Summary – 2nd April 2014

Wilmslow CleanTeam and Wilmslow Town Council volunteers preparing for the litter picking event on 2nd April 2014

Wilmslow CleanTeam and Wilmslow Town Council volunteers preparing for the litter picking event on 2nd April 2014

The first of Wilmslow CleanTeam’s “Spring Clean Week 2014” events was a great success.

We had a good turn out from both the CleanTeam and the Town Council.

Most volunteers started at the Boddington Arms and picked up litter on Altrincham Road, Racecourse Road and Mobberley Road.

Some of the volunteers started at the Honey Bee and focussed on Altrincham Road.

Thanks to everyone who turned up.  Well done to everyone who managed to make it through both events this week !

Another good collaborative effort.

Litter Picking Event Summary – 1st April 2014

Some Wilmslow CleanTeam volunteers assisted with the Town Council’s “Spring Clean Week” litter picking event this morning.

The event was a success with a large amount of litter collected.

We focussed on Sainsbury’s car park, Alderley Road and Chapel Lane.

We worked with some volunteers from the Town Council and from the Wilmslow TSB branch.   TSB encourage their staff to help out in the local community.  It sounds like they will be able to provide a volunteer on the regular Wednesday litter picking events which would be fantastic.

Overall a good team effort – so well done everyone.   Hopefully we can continue the Spring Clean efforts and have another good turn out on Wednesday 2nd April.


Wilmslow Spring Clean Week 2014 Launch Info

We will be working with Wilmslow Town Council on the annual “Spring Clean Wilmslow” event.   Two of our litter picking events are scheduled during this week – see the Events page for more details.  Flyers will be distributed to homes in the run up to this event.   There is more information about the event on the Wilmslow Town Council website :



Some other organisations including the Fire Brigade and some local scout and guide groups are planning to do their own litter picks during Spring Clean Week.  It’s great that the local community is pulling together.