Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
3 volunteers met at The Kings Arms on Wednesday 4th January. We covered the surrounding area and collected at least 6 bags.
We emailed our members to cancel the pick on Saturday 7th Jan due to heavy rain. However, 5 hardy volunteers turned up at Lindow Common just as the rain was easing off. We collected at least 9 bags.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Performed a successful initial trial of our new trolley – which allows for easy separation of recyclable and non-recyclable items
d) Held initial talks with the local Round Table who made contact via Facebook. It looks like they will be kindly donating £200 so that we can purchase another trolley. We also confirmed that we would consider assisting with the clean-up exercise after the annual fireworks display at Carnival Fields (for a further donation).
e) Continued supporting a student at WHS who is litter picking for their Duke of Edinburgh award
Hope to see you at the February picks.