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Website Hosting
This website and its database are hosted at a 3rd party hosting company (TSO Host).
Contact Form
If you use the Contact Us form then you will be asked to supply your name and email address. These details will be stored in the website database but deleted after 3 months. We will only use these details if we need to respond to your query (e.g. if you asked for more information about volunteering). We will not add you to our email distribution list unless you become a volunteer. Depending on the nature of the message, we may need to forward a summary (without your personal details) to certain 3rd parties who are responsible (e.g. Cheshire East or one of their street cleaning service providers like ANSA). We will not pass your personal details on to any third parties.
Personal Details
We will ask you to sign the safety form if you volunteer for us. The safety form contains personal details – e.g. name and (optionally) email address. There is a tick box on the form that allows you to control how we handle your email address. One of our committee will perform the GDPR Data Protection Officer role. A committee member will be nominated as our Membership Secretary and they will keep the completed safety forms in paper form. The Membership Secretary will scan the forms into their personal computer as a backup. Previous copies of the both the electronic and paper versions of the forms will be destroyed if a new version of the form is required. We will monitor member activity. If we haven’t seen or heard from you for a year then we will assume you are no longer an active member and will delete your personal data. We will ask all members to re-sign the safety form on an annual basis so that we can prove ongoing consent for handling your personal details.
To comply with GDPR principles, we will treat photos of our members as personal data. We occasionally take photos at litter picking events, social events, meetings etc. Please don’t allow yourself to be photographed if you do not want to appear on our website, social media pages (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) or on news websites. This will make it easier to publish photos containing only members who are happy for this to happen. We will still obtain consent for publishing photos.
Mailing List
One of the tick boxes on the safety form is to provide consent for your email address to be added to our mailing list. We use the mailing list to send emails to our members about our activities (e.g. litter picking events, meetings) and other items of interest. There are only a handful of these emails per month – with more at certain times of year (e.g. the annual Spring Clean week). If you decide to opt in then your email address will be added to a mailing list. The mailing list is stored on our hosting company’s (see above) server. If we decide to relocate this list (e.g. to a service like MailChimp) then you will be informed and given the option to opt out. Certain organisations will be allowed on our mailing list even though they are not active members (e.g. selected news sites). The emails may mention our members by first name but they will not include any personal details. This means that your email address will not be shown anywhere in the email – and so other members on the mailing list will not be able to email you directly. We will ask all members to re-sign the safety form on an annual basis so that we can prove ongoing consent for using your email address.
Right To Be Forgotten
You can request the removal of an article or photo from our website or social media platforms at any time. We will remove the offending material within 30 days.
You can contact us if you are unhappy with the content of a Wilmslow Clean Team related news article then you should contact that organisation directly to request an update. You can contact us if you are having difficulties and we will try to assist.
You can request termination of your membership of Wilmslow Clean Team at any time. We will remove you from the email list (if you opted in) within 30 days. We will destroy paper and electronic versions of your safety form after 1 year.
Requests can be made via the contact form on the website or by contacting committee members (e.g. at one of our regular litter picks)
Last updated 02-MAY-18