Tag Archives: Lindow Common

News Update : 30-NOV-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

7 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Wednesday 06-NOV-24. We covered the roads in the vicinity of the pub with Chris Manley heading off to pick in Sainsbury’s car park. We collected 13 bags of rubbish plus some other larger items of debris.

On Saturday 09-NOV-24 we met at Lindow Common and picked the surrounding area, meeting for a coffee afterwards. A separate pick also covered Knutsford Road, Alderley Road and Beddels Lane. We collected at least 7 bags.

b) Continued with our solo picks.  You are all doing a great job.  We were particularly impressed by Lauren who collected 30 bags around Colshaw in October!

c) Contacted Waitrose about the possibility of contributing to our running costs in the new year.

d) Applied to the Tesco blue token scheme.

e) Offered help to keep the “Wilmslow Winter Wonderland” event clean.

f) Chatted to officers from the Bollin Valley Project which manages Lindow Common. They were removing some fly tipping from the car park. They passed on their thanks to the clean team for all our efforts.

g) Tried to find out more about “Butterfly Bank” – the wooded area from Stockton Road to Alderley Edge golf course – which is a litter hot spot since it became a magnet for BMX bike riders.

h) Saw a “thank you” post from “Wilmslow Town Council” on Facebook:
Thankyou On FaceBook From Wilmslow Town Council

i) Renewed our annual insurance policy

News Update : 04-AUG-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

6 volunteers met at Lindow Common on Wednesday 03-JUL-24.  We covered the surrounding area including Altrincham Road as far as the Jim Everson playing fields.

5 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Saturday 06-JUL-24.  We covered the surrounding area including Alderley Road down to the bypass and parts of Knutsford Road.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Continued support for a local student, Joe, who is doing his Duke of Edinburgh award. He has now completed the required number of volunteer hours but intends to continue picking. He has done amazing work over the past few months – so huge thanks.

d) Held a committee meeting where, amongst other things, we judged some posters created recently by the high school pupils and agreed to give Amazon vouchers to the best entries.

e) Responded to a contact from Praetura Asset Finance who are planning litter picks, in September, in all the towns where they have an office – which includes Wilmslow.

f) Manned a stall at The Wilmslow Show

Wilmslow Show Stall - 2024


News Update : 03-FEB-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

Despite the drizzle, 4 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Wednesday 3rd January. We covered the surrounding area and collected 8 bags.

The sun was out on Saturday 6th January. 8 volunteers met at Lindow Common. We collected 11 bags. 1 bag of recyclables was taken home and put in the grey bin. We covered the surrounding area including Chapel Lane.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Held a very successful “10th Birthday” get together in the King’s Arms on Tuesday 30-JAN-24. At least 17 volunteers came along.  It was good to catch up with everyone and lovely to see some old faces. Many thanks to Stuart for organising.

Clean Team Kings Arms - 1

Clean Team Kings Arms - 2





d) Collected our new trolley – which we have named “The Howden Trolley” after the insurance company in the town centre (formerly A-Plan) that paid for it. We are very grateful for their support.

News Update : 25-JUL-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

8 volunteers met at Lindow Common on Wednesday 6th July. We covered Lindow Common, Hickory’s car park, Altrincham Road, King’s Road and Racecourse Road. One volunteer (Ann) went to the Honey Bee and picked down to the Britannia Hotel. We collected at least 6 bags of rubbish and some pieces of carpet.  It was great to welcome a new volunteer (Matt). We also facilitated support for a student from the high school.

8 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Saturday 9th July. We covered the surrounding area including Alderley Road, the area near the high school and Sainsbury’s car park. We collected at least 9 bags.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Performed our annual tidy up of The Carnival Fields after the Wilmslow Show on Monday 4th. We collected 8 bags and were given a donation of £130 towards our funds. It was lovely to welcome our old friend and ex-committee member Colin. There is a photo of us arriving in this online article :

c) Continued with our solo picks – special thanks to those members who went out on Sunday 3rd July to clean up the “In Bloom” judging route prior to the judges arrival on Monday 4th.

d) Signed up 2 more co-sponsors : A-Plan insurance and Mailboxes etc.  Sponsors donate a minimum of £50 towards our funds.

e) Responded to Hickory’s Smokehouse about their ongoing support.

Hope to see you at the August picks.

News Update : 29-MAY-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

5 volunteers met at The Parish Hall on a very wet morning on Wednesday 4th May.  We covered the surrounding area including The Carrs, Cliff Road, The Bollin Link and Lacey Green.  We collected 4 bags. We were delighted to welcome a new volunteer (Judith)

Wilmslow Clean Team Altrincham Road May 20225 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Saturday 7th May. We covered Altrincham Road and the area around the airport tunnels. We collected around 6 bags and some debris



Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Held a joint litter picking exercise with Hickory’s (one of our leading co-sponsors) on Tuesday 24th May. Despite the poor weather 5 of our volunteers spent an hour focussing on the area from Hickory’s to Waters and collected 6 bags.  We then handed the reins over to a group of 12 from Hickory’s who focussed on the Lindow Common area. They had a great time collecting a further 6 bags, a burst tyre and a number plate. This was a very successfully joint exercise. Many thanks to Hickory’s for their ongoing support and for the courtesy coffees.

d) Liaised with the Halifax whose staff are planning on attending our scheduled pick on Saturday 4th June.  Really encouraging to have another business getting involved.

e) Began an exercise to review our current insurance provider and explore alternatives

f) Updated the bag count on the website. We collected over 50 bags in both March and April. This includes a contribution by some high school pupils who are doing their Duke of Edinburgh award.

Hope to see you at the June picks.

News Update : 30-JAN-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

5 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Wednesday 5th January.  We covered the surrounding area including Bedells Lane, Chapel Lane, Water Lane and in the town centre We collected at least 8 bags

Wilmslow Clean Team Post Litter Pick Hot Drink Hickorys 08-JAN-226 hardy volunteers met at Lindow Common car park on Saturday 8th January – despite the poor and very wet weather conditions.  We covered the surrounding area including Altrincham Road.  We collected at least 10 bags (plus some recyclables which were put in a grey bin).  Many thanks to Hickory’s SmokeHouse for their ongoing co-sponsorship and support of the Clean Team – and in particular for the complementary hot drinks – we really appreciated them!

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Progressed the involvement of some year 9 pupils at the high school who want to do litter picking for the volunteering section of their Duke of Edinburgh award – including clarifying our position regarding under 18s (i.e. we can lend equipment but are not responsible etc.)

d) Responded to some potential new volunteers who made contact via our website

e) Welcomed another co-sponsor – many thanks to Carlos Lopez.

f) Had an article published on the “Wilmslow’s Way Better” website

Hope to see you at the February pick

Summary Of Spring Clean 2019

Four formal litter picks were organised by the Wilmslow Clean Team during our Spring Clean week which ran from 1st April to the 7th April 2019. Some of our volunteers also contributed by going out on their own. Our spring clean fell nicely into the month long “Great British Spring Clean” initiative organised by Keep Britain Tidy

Wilmslow Clean Team Spring Clean 2019 - Dean Row10 volunteers met at The Unicorn in Dean Row on Monday 1st April for an hour long, evening pick. We focused on the surrounding area.  Some volunteers headed off to Summerfields.  Another drove further afield and picked from Prestbury Road, down to the Bollin and up as far as Wilmslow Park North – an area we haven’t covered much before and which was particularly bad. We collected 15 bags altogether and some hub caps. Some of us enjoyed a well earned drink in The Unicorn afterwards. We were very pleased to welcome 4 new volunteers. Thanks to The Unicorn for allowing us to use the car park.

On Wednesday 3rd April we met at Lindow Common. 11 volunteers collected 16 bags in the surrounding area. Again, we were delighted to welcome a new volunteer. 6 of us went to the Boddington Arms afterwards. We would like to thank them for providing us with a complementary hot drink – it was really appreciated.

Wilmslow Clean Team Spring Clean 2019 - Prestbury Road9 volunteers met at The Kings Arms on Saturday 6th April. We covered the surrounding area including Alderley Road, Knutsford Road and Chapel Lane. 2 volunteers drove further afield and picked Prestbury Road.  10 bags were collected altogether.  We would like to thank the Kings Arms for the use of their car park and for the offer of a hot drink (although I think we all had to head home after the pick). We reported some fly tipping on Prestbury Road to ANSA

Wilmslow Clean Team Spring Clean 2019 - Stanneylands RoadOur final Spring Clean pick was on Sunday 7th April. 7 volunteers met at Wilmslow Garden Centre. We covered the surrounding roads and woods. 2 volunteers drove down Stanneylands Road and covered the area from the hotel, down to the river and up the other side. This area was one of the worst we have seen. It’s not an area we cover very often but we very quickly filled 4 bags of litter and a whole bag of recyclables. The litter was just everywhere in what is a really picturesque part of the town. It’s possible that the huge house building exercise is contributing to the problem – we will have to monitor this situation. We collected 14 bags altogether along with a few hub caps. Thanks to the garden centre for the use of their car park.

So – a massive haul of 54 bags at our formal Spring Clean picks.  The total bag count in the last month is 60 and our total so far in 2019 is 165.

Thanks to everyone who came to the litter picks or supported us in other ways in what was a very successful Spring Clean.

As well as running our own litter picks, we have also been pushing ANSA to litter pick the A34 bypass.  We were pleased to see this happening last week.

Litter Picking Summary 4th + 7th October 2017

Vicikie Picture Lindow Common7 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Wednesday 4th October.  We collected 12 bags on Alderley Road and the surrounding area. Thanks to Helen for standing in as a leader on this event.




Wilmslow Clean Team Lindow Common October 2017

Despite the rainy conditions we had a very good turn out of 11 volunteers on Saturday 7th. We met at Lindow Common and focussed on the Common and surrounding roads – e.g. Altrincham Road,  Some of our volunteers headed into Wilmslow and tidied up Little Lindow and the surrounding roads including, Hawthorn Street The Lindfield Estate and Chapel Lane.  We collected 16 bags and 2 hub caps.


So 28 bags altogether in October – well done everyone

Finally we would like to thank the Boddington Arms for providing some of our volunteers with a free coffee – an unexpected and welcome surprise.




Litter Picking Summary 5th->8th October 2016

7 volunteers met at the King’s Arms on Wednesday 5th October. We covered the full length of Alderley Road (from the A34 roundabout to the Leisure Centre), the ‘town’ end of Knutsford Road, Chapel Lane, Victoria Road, Albert Road, Holly Road South, Bedells Lane, Hawthorn Road and part of Altrincham Road by Little Lindow. We collected 13 bags of litter and an old tyre. A further bag of cans were recycled. We were very pleased to have a new volunteer with us.

Wilmslow Clean Team Litter Pick Lindow Common October 20167 volunteers met at Lindow Common on Saturday 8th October.  We covered Lindow Common, Racecourse Road, Altrincham Road (down as far as Waters) parts of Mobberley Road etc.  We collected 10 bags of litter and a wheel hub.  We took home 3 smaller bags of cans and bottles for re-cycling.  We also reported 2 tyres that have been fly tipped near Lindow Common to the council.


Some of our volunteers have also been out and about on their own.  Viv collected 3 bags around Gorsey Road, Broadwalk etc.  Ann collected 2 bags in Stoney Lane, South Oak playground, South Oak Lane and Nursery Lane.

So, we have collected at least 28 bags of litter and some recyclables.

We are now planning the November litter picks.  New volunteers are very welcome. We are delighted that “Q Hotels” are planning to send 4 of their team to help out in November.


Litter Picking Summary 7th->10th October 2015

Fly Tipping in Sainsbury Car Park 07 October 20155 volunteers met at The Kings Arms on Wednesday 7th October. We collected 6 bags in the surrounding roads – e.g. Bedells lane, Chapel Lane, Albert Road, Victoria Roads and Alderley Road. The picture shows some fly tipping in the wooded area by Sainsbury’s car park – this has been reported to the council.


wilmslow_clean_team_10th_oct_litter_pick_boddington_armsA much nicer day on Saturday 10th saw 9 volunteers meet at the Boddington Arms. Some of us headed of down Altrincham road to Waters and just beyond whilst others tackled Racecourse Road, Lindow Common, the areas around Kings Road and Broad Walk, Altrincham Road up to Little Lindow and some of the surrounding side streets. 3 bags were collected by the council during the morning. We left 10 more bags at the Boddington Arms. A few more bags were left at other locations around the town – the council were informed and they will collect them.  So – we probably collected about 14 bags altogether.

We are experimenting with a new strategy of sifting through the bags at the end of the day and removeing all the recyclable items.