News Update : 03-FEB-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

Despite the drizzle, 4 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Wednesday 3rd January. We covered the surrounding area and collected 8 bags.

The sun was out on Saturday 6th January. 8 volunteers met at Lindow Common. We collected 11 bags. 1 bag of recyclables was taken home and put in the grey bin. We covered the surrounding area including Chapel Lane.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Held a very successful “10th Birthday” get together in the King’s Arms on Tuesday 30-JAN-24. At least 17 volunteers came along.  It was good to catch up with everyone and lovely to see some old faces. Many thanks to Stuart for organising.

Clean Team Kings Arms - 1

Clean Team Kings Arms - 2





d) Collected our new trolley – which we have named “The Howden Trolley” after the insurance company in the town centre (formerly A-Plan) that paid for it. We are very grateful for their support.