Tag Archives: Lacey Green

News Update : 01-FEB-25

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

3 volunteers met at Lacey Green park on Saturday 04-JAN-25. We were pleased to welcome Ian as a new volunteer. We collected 3 bags.

Due to the wintry weather, no volunteers turned up at The King’s Arms on Saturday 08-JAN-25. This is completely understandable.  The committee will be discussing a better process for cancelling picks when we think that the weather is going to be bad.

b) Continued with our solo picks.  You are all doing a great job.  The bag count went up by 26 during January.

News Update : 02-NOV-24

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

6 volunteers met at Bank Square on Wednesday 02-OCT-24. We covered the town centre collecting at least 12 bags.

5 adults and 3 under 18s met in Lacey Green on Saturday 05-OCT-24.  We were pleased to welcome Rachel as a first timer.  Her son Ted is going to be litter picking as part of his DofE award scheme.  We covered Lacey Green and the surrounding area.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Started to plan our next AGM which will probably be at the end of January or early February 2025.  More details will be provided nearer the time.

d) Started to progress an initiative to install some signage around Wilmslow discouraging litter.

e) Started to plan the renewal of our insurance.

News Update : 29-OCT-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

4 volunteers met at Bank Square on a very wet Wednesday 5th October. We covered the town centre, collecting 8 bags and some other debris including 2 stainless steel platters and 3 frying pans!

10 volunteers met outside at Lacey Green Park on Saturday 8th October. We covered the surrounding area. It was lovely to see some new volunteers and 2 children.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b)Continued with our solo picks.

c) Altogether this month we have collected at least 23 bags.

d) Liaised with a Wilmslow High School student who is keen to do litter picking as the “volunteering” section of their Duke of Edinburgh award.

e) Contacted ANSA about the removal of a satellite dish on Altrincham Road

Hope to see you at the November picks.

News Update : 01-MAY-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

7 volunteers met outside Lacey Green Park on Wednesday 6th April.  We covered Lacey Green and collected around 9 bags

5 volunteers met at Bank Square  on Saturday 9th April. We covered the town centre and collected 7 bags altogether

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Continued to discuss design of litter picking trolleys

d) Obtained a refund for our AGM meeting room booking at Wilmslow library. The meeting was cancelled due to Covid and we now have the option of a free meeting room at Hickory’s

e) Chased ANSA regarding the process for procuring new litter bins.

Hope to see you at the May picks.

News Update : 31-OCT-21

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

6 volunteers met at Banks Square on Wednesday 6th October.  We covered the town centre and collected at least 8 bags.

Wilmslow Clean Team Litter Pick - Lacey Green October 20214 volunteers were out on Saturday 9th October.  3 met at Lacey Green Park and covered the surrounding area.  The 4th covered Knutsford Road, Alderley Road, the town centre, Manchester Road and Styal Road. 7 bags were collected altogether.



As always, we were pleased to welcome some new faces

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Welcomed a volunteer (Alistair) who was given time off as under his employer’s (Pets At Home) scheme.

d) Held a committee meeting.  The main focus was the structure around sponsorship by local companies.  Wilmslow Town Council has been our major sponsor recently with a significant grant.   We agreed on a standard approach to co-sponsorship from other local companies whereby they will donate £50 and be given a window sticker and a mention on our webpage :
We have already signed up Castletons Accountants to this scheme.

Hickory’s Smokehouse are also being considered a co-sponsor because they are providing us with a room for meetings, refreshments etc. They are very keen to help us as much as they can.

e) Responded to a business called “Warner House” who are exploring the possibility of “Employee volunteer days”

Hope to see you at our November picks – new volunteers welcome.

January 2020 Litter Pick Summary And Other News

A Happy New Year to all our volunteers and supporters.

We normally arrange 2 litter picks every month : on the first Wednesday and following Saturday As January’s Wednesday pick would have fallen on New Years Day this year, we moved it a week later.

So, our first pick of 2020 was on Saturday 4th January.  We had an amazing turnout with 16 volunteers – possibly a record. We met at Bank Square and spread out in all directions. Having so many volunteers allowed us to cover most of the town centre – which is looking a lot tidier as a result.

Wilmslow Clean Team Fly Tipping Broadway Meadows Jan 2020We were concerned by the amount of litter in and around Broadway Meadows car park – and the lack of bins.  We have tried and failed in the past to get a new bin installed (due to a lack of funding) but we have asked ANSA (Cheshire East’s contractor) once again. ANSA confirmed that the request is still on their list for consideration. We have also asked ANSA to clean up the far end of the car park where the recycling bins used to be – and they have agreed to see to this. We have also asked them to remove a fly tipped tyre and paint from the bottom end of the car park.

We collected at least 29 bags, a tyre and at least I bag of recyclables at the Saturday pick.

Wilmslow Clean Team Lacey Green Park January 2020Our second pick of the year was on Wednesday 8th January. 8 volunteers met outside the gates of the park in Lacey Green on Barlow Moor Road.  We covered the whole of the park area, Barlow Moor Road, Lacey Green, halfway down Egerton Road, Cranford Road and Mount Pleasant – not a bad morning’s work.

We collected 12 bags of litter making it at least 41 in total at our 2 scheduled picks.

In addition, there have been a lot of solo picks recently which have helped us get off to a flying start in 2020 – with 56 bags collected altogether in the past month. Great work everyone.

The committee are going to discuss the possibility of some A boards which we can put up when we are doing litter picks – to raise awareness and attract new volunteers.

We made contact with “Run North West Limited” to discuss the issue of plastic bottle littering after their recent “Festive 10k” run

We are trying to help a Handforth resident who raised a concern about the amount of litter being thrown from cars on the bypass towards the airport. We have contacted ANSA to see if they can provide any further information / assistance.

Litter Picking Summary 6th + 9th January 2019

The total bag count for 2018 was 529 – an amazing effort.

Our 2019 picks started off on Saturday 6th January.  10 volunteers met at Bank Square.  Most roads in and around the town centre were covered as far out as Altrincham Road, Kennerleys Lane, Chapel Lane, Albert Road, Parkway, the link road to A34 Bypass, the Railway station forecourt, the Leisure Centre, Broadway Meadows car park, Parish Hall car park and Sainsbury’s car park. At least 17 bags were collected, plus some recyclables.

The town centre seemed worse then normal – the committee will try and find out whether the council has cut down the scheduled cleans – and whether they suspend cleaning over Christmas.  Cigarette butts were everywhere – in all the doorways, gutters, storm drains and even in the planters that the town council have installed.

Blue Plastic TakeAway Fork Whole Blue Plastic TakeAway Fork In Pieces

These blue plastic “takeaway” forks are particularly troublesome – as they have often disintegrated into lots of very small pieces – making them difficult to pick up.


One of our volunteers asked the committee to request that a new bin be installed in the Broadway Meadows car park as the litter there was bad. A request was sent to Ansa – but there is no budget remaining this financial year for new bins – and it is not clear if there will be budget come April.

Our second pick of the year was on Wednesday 9th January.  6 volunteers met at Lacey Green Park.  We focused on the surrounding area and collected 10 bags and a traffic cone.

So – 27 bags at our scheduled picks plus at least 2 more by our “solo” volunteers.

Thanks and well done to all our volunteers – new volunteers are always welcome.