Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
7 volunteers met at Lindow Common on Wednesday 5th July. We collected 6 bags were collected, plus a few larger debris items. We were pleased to welcome a new volunteer.
5 volunteers met at The King’s Arms on Saturday 8th July. We covered Knutsford Road (and some of its side roads), the area around Kenmore Medical Centre, Sainsbury’s car park and Alderley Rd from Kings Arms to the main traffic lights, and Water Lane. 4 very full bags were collected.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
b) Litter picked the Carnival Field after the Wilmslow Show. A good turn out but not a huge amount of litter. We will receive a donation to our funds for helping out though.
c) Continued with our solo picks
d) Responded to a request to do some extra litter picking on the “Wilmslow In Bloom” judging route.
e) Liaised with Richard who is hopefully joining the committee soon.
f) Completed an exercise to tidy up our email distribution list. A few new members have been added and some inactive members have been removed. Please let us know if you don’t think you should be getting this email.
g) Started to organise our AGM. This will be in September – more details soon – all welcome.