Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
A nice morning saw 12 volunteers meet up on Wednesday 6th March at The Farmer’s Arms. We were pleased to welcome 2 new volunteers. We collected at least 10 bags.
4 volunteers met at Summerfields on Saturday 9th March. We collected 6 bags of rubbish and 2 bags of recyclables. It was noted that Colshaw Drive seemed surprisingly clean compared to previous events. We reported some fly tipped rubbish and some CEC highways equipment.
b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Received a further update from the chairman of Colshaw Estate Tenants and Residents Association (CETRA) to say that they are postponing their big clean up exercise of the valley area on Colshaw Farm estate. This was originally going to be on Saturday 13th April and Sunday 14th April but will now be later in the year.
d) Provided guidance and equipment to a pupil who is litter picking for the volunteering section of their Duke of Edinburgh award.
e) Renewed our website hosting and domain registration.
f) Liaised with the fire station regarding the impact on our equipment bunker during works.
g) Heard from ANSA regarding the date for the clean-up of the A34 bypass. This is now scheduled for the week commencing April 15th.
h) Started to discuss the possibility of taking up a free stall at the Wilmslow Show.
i) Responded to Alderley Edge In Bloom. They are doing a big clean of Melrose Way on Sunday 21st April at 11:00. They would welcome some help from Wilmslow Clean Team. If you can help, then they are meeting at Chelford Road bridge.
j) Thanks to Elaine who has contacted Deputy head teacher Mr Mark Vincent at Wilmslow High School regarding a poster campaign to help our group and promote less littering He has passed the request onto the art department apparently and hopefully something will be forthcoming soon.
i) Heard from the company that hosts our website that they will be performing a migration exercise on Thursday 11th April. Fingers crossed that the website continues to function normally but there will be a small outage on that day.
j) Planned our Spring Clean events