Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
We met at Lacey Green on Wednesday 3rd April and collected 6 bags.
10 volunteers met at Bank Square on Saturday 6th April. We covered the town centre, the station, the Leisure Centre, the car park behind BP, the Bollin Link and the Carrs playground. We collected at least 12 bags and some recyclables.
b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Continued support for a local student, Joe, who is doing a fantastic job as part of the volunteering section of his Duke of Edinburgh award.
d) Reviewed the information from the company that hosts our website. The website will be migrated at some point. We initially thought this was going to be on Thursday 11th April but that was the date that they are starting the migration work – so it could be any time over the coming months. There may be some disruption as part of this exercise.
e) Started to plan the next committee meeting.
f) Started to consider applying for the Tesco blue token scheme again.