Since the last news update we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
9 volunteers met in Summerfields Car Park on Wednesday 1st September and picked in the vicinity of Dean Row Rd. We collected 9 bags altogether plus a wooden board.
At least 14 volunteers met at The Farmer’s Arms on Saturday 4th September. We covered the surrounding area as well as venturing further afield and picking at the back of the row of shops from Sainsburys to Hoopers, Sainsbury’s car park, the area around Gorsey Bank school, Mobberley Road, Adlington Road, Hawthorn Street, Little Lindow etc. We estimate that 16 bags were collected altogether. We would like to thank Chelsea Flowers for providing hot drinks to our volunteers after the pick.
We were delighted to see some new faces. Well done everyone.
b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Informed ANSA of fly tipping incidents – e.g. a mattress on the A34
d) Continued to liaise a local business about a potential big sponsorship deal
e) Responded to a contact made by the manager of Hickory’s who is interested in offering support to the Clean Team.
f) Started a project to encourage local businesses to sponsor us by donating £50 to our funds. In return they will receive a window sticker and a mention on our website. Thanks to our business co-ordinator Peter for his efforts on this.
g) Designed 2 separate prototypes for a trolley which could support 2 bags. This would not only assist those members who struggle with the weight of the litter but would also allow us to more easily recycle cans, plastic bottles and glass bottles. Recycling is something we ought to be encouraging more of. Some of us take a smaller carrier sized bag with us – and collect cans and plastic bottles (which are very light) which we can take home and put in our grey bins. The huge energy required to extract aluminium is really bad for the environment – so it will be great if we can help make sure that this kind of waste is not “single use”.
h) Started to consider how we might re-work a banner which could be used to advertise our activities
i) Battled with bureaucracy to try and change the committee members who can sign off cheques – due to recent changes to the committee.
Hope to see you at our October picks – new volunteers welcome.