Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
5 volunteers met at Summerfields on Wednesday 6th September.
At least 5 bags were collected. We also reported some fly tipping to ANSA
5 volunteers met at The Farmers Arms on Saturday 9th September and dispersed to litter pick the surrounding area.
At least 5 bags were collected along with a shredded tyre.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
b) Continued with our solo picks
c) Held an AGM at the Quaker’s Meeting House. We were pleasantly surprised that 14 people attended – which led to some interesting discussion. We had a report from the chairman (Chris), a summary of our finances from the treasurer (Stuart), a demonstration of one of our new trolleys and various other discussions (e.g. whether we can become more active in schools, whether we can pick during 10k road closures etc.)
d) Responded to a request from the Round Table to litter pick during the annual fireworks event. We are against picking amongst the crowds in the dark but have offered to assist the next morning – although the scouts and guides are already lined up.
e) Made an initial response to a request to assist some “Junior Park Run” volunteers to procure some equipment.
f) Responded to a request to support another high school student who wants to litter pick as part of their Duke of Edinburgh scheme.