Tag Archives: litter picking

News Update : 27-FEB-23

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

8 volunteers met at Bank Square on Wednesday 1st February.  We covered the surrounding area including the station, the leisure centre, Sainsbury’s car park and the Bollin Link Road. We collected at least 14 bags and some recyclables. Many thanks to the 2 “Pets At Home” staff who came along.

An even higher turnout of 12 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Saturday 5th March.  We collected at least 21 bags and some recyclables. We focussed on Altrincham Road and the area near the airport tunnels.  One volunteer went over to the Prestbury Road and did the verges on the roundabout at the back of the high school. Thanks to Elliot who came along with his father – he has been doing a great job as part of his Duke Of Edinburgh award.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Continued trials with the new trolley – and received interest from a volunteer who is keen to use it in future.

c) Liaised with Wilmslow Town Council about the degree of involvement in the coronation related activities being planned in the town. We have decided to re-jig our May picks. We have swapped the locations and we have moved the Saturday pick to the following Monday. This is so that we aren’t clashing with the coronation.  It also means we can be in the town centre and therefore more visible for “The Big Help Out” on the Monday :

In tribute to His Majesty The King’s public service, The Big Help Out will encourage people to try volunteering for themselves and join the work being undertaken to support their local areas. The aim of The Big Help Out is to use volunteering to bring communities together and create a lasting volunteering legacy from the Coronation Weekend.”

News Update : 28-JAN-23

Since the last news update, we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

3 volunteers met at The Kings Arms on Wednesday 4th January.  We covered the surrounding area and collected at least 6 bags.

We emailed our members to cancel the pick on Saturday 7th Jan due to heavy rain. However, 5 hardy volunteers turned up at Lindow Common just as the rain was easing off.  We collected at least 9 bags.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Performed a successful initial trial of our new trolley – which allows for easy separation of recyclable and non-recyclable items

d) Held initial talks with the local Round Table who made contact via Facebook.  It looks like they will be kindly donating £200 so that we can purchase another trolley. We also confirmed that we would consider assisting with the clean-up exercise after the annual fireworks display at Carnival Fields (for a further donation).

e) Continued supporting a student at WHS who is litter picking for their Duke of Edinburgh award

Hope to see you at the February picks.

News Update : 01-OCT-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

4 volunteers met at Summerfields on Wednesday 7th September. We covered the surrounding area and collected 6 bags. We also asked ANSA to remove some debris.

7 volunteers met at The Farmers Arms on Saturday 10th September. We covered the surrounding area.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Altogether this month we have collected at least 25 bags.

d) Responded to a contact made by Skipton Building Society who want to support us in their community initiative.  It looks like we will receive between £200 and £500 (depending on member votes). We are suggesting that this funds some trolleys to lighten the load of the heavy bags when we are litter picking.

e) Started planning for a committee meeting where we can discuss the results of some research into alternative options for our insurance.  The proposal is that we stay with the current provider.

f) Contacted ANSA about the removal of a broken pushchair on Broadway

g) Held discussions with another potential sponsor.

i) Lent some equipment to 7th Wilmslow guides – we really appreciate their ongoing efforts to help keep Wilmslow tidy.

j) Responded to enquiries from some potential new volunteers

k) Asked ANSA for more information about “mixed recycling” litter bins  (as spotted in Macclesfield)

Hope to see you at the October picks.

News Update : 28-NOV-21

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

7 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Wednesday 3rd November.  We covered the surrounding area including Altrincham Road and collected 9 bags.

11  volunteers met at the Parish Hall on Saturday 6th November including some children who came along with their parents. We covered the Parish Hall Car Park, The Carrs down to Twinies Bridge, Cliff Road, Old Road, Styal Road, Manchester Road and the footpath along the Bollin near The King William roundabout. 12 bags were collected.

As always, we were pleased to welcome some new faces.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Gratefully welcomed “The Big Fish” and “Mark Rogers” to our new “co-sponsor” scheme

d) Planned in a meeting to better define the roles on the committee

e) Renewed our annual insurance – switching to Zurich who provided a more competitive quite

f) Provided equipment to David, an employee at “Pets At Home, so that he could litter pick for a day as part of their “Our World Better Pledge” initiative.  Great work David.

Hope to see you at our December picks – new volunteers welcome.

News Update : 26-SEP-21

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

9 volunteers met in Summerfields Car Park on Wednesday 1st September and picked in the  vicinity of Dean Row Rd. We collected 9 bags altogether plus a wooden board.

Wilmslow Clean Team Chapel Lane September 2021At  least 14 volunteers met at The Farmer’s Arms on Saturday 4th September.  We covered the surrounding area as well as venturing further afield and picking at the back of the row of shops from Sainsburys to Hoopers, Sainsbury’s car park, the area around Gorsey Bank school, Mobberley Road, Adlington Road, Hawthorn Street, Little Lindow etc. We estimate that 16 bags were collected altogether.  We would like to thank Chelsea Flowers for providing hot drinks to our volunteers after the pick.

We were delighted to see some new faces.  Well done everyone.

b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Informed ANSA of fly tipping incidents – e.g. a mattress on the A34
d) Continued to liaise a local business about a potential big sponsorship deal
e) Responded to a contact made by the manager of Hickory’s who is interested in offering support to the Clean Team.
f) Started a project to encourage local businesses to sponsor us by donating £50 to our funds.  In return they will receive a window sticker and a mention on our website.  Thanks to our business co-ordinator Peter for his efforts on this.
g) Designed 2 separate prototypes for a trolley which could support 2 bags.  This would not only assist those members who struggle with the weight of the litter but would also allow us to more easily recycle cans, plastic bottles and glass bottles.  Recycling is something we ought to be encouraging more of.  Some of us take a smaller carrier sized bag with us – and collect cans and plastic bottles (which are very light) which we can take home and put in our grey bins.  The huge energy required to extract aluminium is really bad for the environment – so it will be great if we can help make sure that this kind of waste is not “single use”.
h) Started to consider how we might re-work a banner which could be used to advertise our activities
i) Battled with bureaucracy to try and change the committee members who can sign off cheques – due to recent changes to the committee.

Hope to see you at our October picks – new volunteers welcome.

News Update : 30-AUG-21

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks:

Held a litter pick at The Honey Bee on Wednesday 4th August.  We covered the surrounding area including Altrincham Road down towards the airport tunnels. Lovely to see some very young helpers.

Despite the poor weather, 9 volunteers met at Bank Square on Saturday 7th August.  We covered the town centre including the area around the railway station, the Leisure Centre, Church Street, the roundabout near the King William pub, Manchester Road.  At least 12 bags were collected.  We were delighted to welcome 3 new volunteers to this pick.

Well done everyone.

b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Responded to interest from some new volunteers
d) Responded to a request from a local brownie group to borrow our equipment
e) Re-organised and cleaned the equipment held in our storage bunker
f) Liaised with a local business about a potential sponsorship deal
g) Written an article that we hope to get published in the “Inside Wilmslow” magazine
h) Had an article about us published on wilmslow.co.uk :
i) Responded to a contact made by Radio Manchester about a possible interview with the Clean Team.

Hope to see you at our September picks – new volunteers welcome.

Litter Picking Event – Saturday 7th August 2021

Regular litter picking event. Focus will be the town centre including the area around Sainsburys.

Meet at Bank Square

New volunteers are most welcome to come along – but please familiarise yourselves with the safety guidance first.

Please try to arrive at the meeting point no later than 15 minutes from the start time. Organisers of each event will typically litter pick after the 15 minute period has elapsed, returning to the meeting point up to an hour later.

Litter Picking Event – Wednesday 4th August 2021

Regular litter picking event. Focus will be Altrincham Road and the airport tunnels.

Meet in the Honey Bee car park.

New volunteers are most welcome to come along – but please familiarise yourselves with the safety guidance first.

Please try to arrive at the meeting point no later than 15 minutes from the start time. Organisers of each event will typically litter pick after the 15 minute period has elapsed, returning to the meeting point up to an hour later.

November 2019 Litter Pick Summary And Other News

9 volunteers met at Bank Square on Wednesday 6th November. We covered Hawthorn Lane, Bank Square, Green Lane, Holly Road, Swan Street, Station Road, the station forecourt, the Leisure Centre, Grove Street and Alderley Road. We collected 10 bags altogether.

8 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Saturday 9th November. We picked along the A538 (Altrincham Rd) and collected a total of 16 bags plus various hub caps and other items. Viv, who regularly picks in this area, reported that “It was absolutely dreadful – I’ve never seen it so bad”.


We were disappointed to see that the glass in the bus shelter (near the Airport Inn Hotel) had been vandalised. We have asked our contact at Cheshire East to report this to the relevant department.



Anyway –  at least 26 bags at our 2 scheduled picks contributing to a total of 38 over the past month.

In other news :

  • We have renewed our annual insurance.
  • We held an “Extraordinary General Meeting”  on Monday 28th October to agree changes to our constitution. The main changes are because of the recent GDPR requirements and because we have made a decision (after consulting with CVS Cheshire East) that only people of 18 years and over can be Wilmslow Clean Team members. People under 18 are very welcome to attend litter picks but only if they are supervised by a responsible adult.
  • We are liaising with Lindow School who would like to borrow our equipment. Year 4 are learning about things they can do to support their local community.  This is a fantastic initiative.

Well done everyone – see you in December

Litter Picking Event – Saturday 8th February 2020

Regular litter picking event. Focus will be Altrincham Road and the airport tunnels.

Meet in the Honey Bee car park.

New volunteers are most welcome to come along – but please familiarise yourselves with the safety guidance first.

Please try to arrive at the meeting point no later than 15 minutes from the start time. Organisers of each event will typically litter pick after the 15 minute period has elapsed, returning to the meeting point up to an hour later.