Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
7 volunteers met at Bank Square on Wednesday 04-DEC-24. We were pleased to welcome 2 employees from “Pets At Home” to our pick. We covered town centre and collected at least 11 bags. We reported some damage to the flower beds in Bank Square to ANSA.
2 volunteers met at Summerfields on Saturday 07-DEC-24. We covered the surrounding area and collected 4 bags. We have also reported some fly tipping on the bypass to ANSA.
b) Continued with our solo picks. You are all doing a great job.
c) Heard back from Tesco that our bid for funding via their “Stronger Starts” scheme had been unsuccessful.
d) Litter picked around the “Wilmslow Winter Wonderland” event, in the town centre, collecting at least 3 bags. Special thanks to Helen and Ian.
e) Continued the planning of the AGM which is going to be on Tuesday 04-FEB-25. Further details will be sent out nearer the time.