5 volunteers met at Bank Square on Wednesday 7th November. We spread out covering the town centre, Wilmslow Station and the area around the Leisure Centre. We collected 6 bags.
We have identified a major litter ‘grot spot’ : the private area to the right hand side of the Co-op shop on Water Lane. We think that this is an area where office workers are sitting on the wall to eat their lunch and/or have a smoke. We are going to progress this issue further.
5 people met at The Honey Bee on Saturday 10th November. We covered both sides of Altrincham Road between the Honey Bee and the Airport tunnels as well as part of Morley Green Road. We also covered the lanes between the tunnels and the Holiday Inn. This is another major “grot spot” where take away wrappers and drinks bottles/cans are thrown into the bushes (making it hard to collect). We picked a total of 10 bags and one large sheet of metal.
Some of our volunteers have also been out on solo picks recently. At least 7 more bags were collected on Knutsford Road, the town centre, Morley Green Road, Altrincham Road and the side streets near Gorsey Bank School.
So – at least 23 bags collected since the October picks. Thanks and well done everyone.