Since the last news update we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks:
Held a litter pick at The Honey Bee on Wednesday 4th August. We covered the surrounding area including Altrincham Road down towards the airport tunnels. Lovely to see some very young helpers.
Despite the poor weather, 9 volunteers met at Bank Square on Saturday 7th August. We covered the town centre including the area around the railway station, the Leisure Centre, Church Street, the roundabout near the King William pub, Manchester Road. At least 12 bags were collected. We were delighted to welcome 3 new volunteers to this pick.
Well done everyone.
b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Responded to interest from some new volunteers
d) Responded to a request from a local brownie group to borrow our equipment
e) Re-organised and cleaned the equipment held in our storage bunker
f) Liaised with a local business about a potential sponsorship deal
g) Written an article that we hope to get published in the “Inside Wilmslow” magazine
h) Had an article about us published on :
i) Responded to a contact made by Radio Manchester about a possible interview with the Clean Team.
Hope to see you at our September picks – new volunteers welcome.