News Update : 29-AUG-22

Since the last news update we have:

a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :

7 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Wednesday 3th August. We covered Altrincham Road and the area around the airport tunnels We collected at least 10 bags and found 2 gas cylinders.

10 volunteers met at Bank Square on Saturday 6th August. We collected 12 bags from the town centre, the railway station and the Bollin Link footpath. Some debris was taken from A538 in front of Hickory’s. Most of us got together afterwards for a nice coffee and chat at Konak on a warm sunny morning.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

b) Continued with our solo picks.

c) Held discussions with another potential co-sponsor

d) Contacted ANSA about the state of the bin in the Little Lindow play area.

Hope to see you at the September picks.