A good turn out on Wednesday 4th May saw 9 volunteers meet at the Honey Bee. We focussed on Altdincham Road and collected 15 bags of litter altogether along with a few hub caps.
Only 3 volunteers could make the pick on Saturday 7th. We met at Bank Square. We focussed on the surrounding area and the town centre. Some of the roads we covered include Alderley Road, Knutsford Road and Parkway. We collected 4 bags of litter altogether/
One of our volunteers (Ade) trialled the concept of collecting alumninum drink cans, and a few plastic bottles, separately from the main litter bags. A small “Wilmslow Clean Team” bag was tied to the hoop and this worked really well. He collected 14 cans and 4 bottles. The weight of the cans is negligible and the cans especially can be squashed down into a very small size. These items have been put into his grey bin for re-cycling. The committee will look into providing bags for any other volunteers who would like to help with this recycling initiaitve.
19 bags were collected altogether during the May litter picks. We also know of at least 2 other bags that have been collected by our volunteers at other times.