February 2020 Litter Pick Summary And Other News

10 volunteers assembled, at the Parish Hall on Wednesday 5th February. We focused on the surrounding area. The area around the train station is perpetually bad for litter – we will discus whether a new bin is required in the vicinity.

We were delighted to welcome a new volunteer : Tim.

We collected at least 15 bags.

9 volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Saturday 8th February. We covered Altrincham Road between the airport tunnels and Waters.  One of our volunteers, Peter, then headed off to the area near the high school to finish some work that started on Wednesday.

We were pleased to see that the vegetation has been cut back on the pavements leading form the Honey Bee, down the hill,  to the Britannia Hotel. This has been a problem in the past as it was so overgrown (on the same side of the road as the hotel) and made it difficult to walk along the pavement.

We have also alerted ANSA to some industrial debris, on the verge of carriageway to side of the roundabout leading towards the airport tunnels, and to a dangerous hole where a drain cover has been lifted.

We collected at least 14 bags plus some recyclables and hubcaps.

Thanks to some solo picks, our total for the last month is at least 41 bags.

In other news :

The Deputy Head of School at Gorsey Bank and one of their pupil groups, “The Department for Environment”, are organising a Litter Pick week for all pupils (and hopefully some parents too!) w/c 24th Feb. The youngest pupils will be collecting litter in the school grounds, but some of the KS2 pupils we will be venturing further afield to Carnival Field, Lindow Common and perhaps into town too. We will be lending some equipment to the school and hopefully some display materials to provoke discussion around the damaging effects of litter.

We will be holding a committee meeting on 18th February.  Agenda items include planning the annual Spring Clean, defining committee roles and setting a date for the AGM.