Since the last news update, we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
9 volunteers met at Bank Square on Wednesday 05-FEB-25. We covered the town centre, collecting 15 bags of litter and 1 bag of recyclables.
A good turnout of volunteers met at The Honey Bee on Saturday 08-FEB-25. We were very pleased to welcome JD as a new volunteer. We collected at least 17 bags along Altrincham Road, the roundabout near the tunnels and the lanes near the hotel (near the entrance to Styal). The whole area was left looking so much tidier.
b) Continued with our solo picks
c) Held our AGM on 04-FEB-25. Our chairman Chris reviewed the year, our treasurer Stuart gave an overview of our financial position, and we discussed various topics including the possibility of buying/installing some “anti littering” signage (if we can obtain a suitable grant). It was also agreed that last year’s social evening in the King’s Arms was a success and that we will look at organising another one soon.
d) Arranged for ANSA to litter pick part of the A34 dual carriageway whilst one of the sections was coned off.
e) Closed our “X” (Twitter) account.