Since the last news update we have:
a) Continued with our twice monthly litter picks :
4 volunteers met at Summerfields on Wednesday 7th September. We covered the surrounding area and collected 6 bags. We also asked ANSA to remove some debris.
7 volunteers met at The Farmers Arms on Saturday 10th September. We covered the surrounding area.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
b) Continued with our solo picks.
c) Altogether this month we have collected at least 25 bags.
d) Responded to a contact made by Skipton Building Society who want to support us in their community initiative. It looks like we will receive between £200 and £500 (depending on member votes). We are suggesting that this funds some trolleys to lighten the load of the heavy bags when we are litter picking.
e) Started planning for a committee meeting where we can discuss the results of some research into alternative options for our insurance. The proposal is that we stay with the current provider.
f) Contacted ANSA about the removal of a broken pushchair on Broadway
g) Held discussions with another potential sponsor.
i) Lent some equipment to 7th Wilmslow guides – we really appreciate their ongoing efforts to help keep Wilmslow tidy.
j) Responded to enquiries from some potential new volunteers
k) Asked ANSA for more information about “mixed recycling” litter bins (as spotted in Macclesfield)
Hope to see you at the October picks.